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Advanced Java Programming

 About Advanced Java Programming 

The exciting world of advanced- programming concepts with the three major Java platforms—Java™ 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE), Java 2 Standard Edition (J2SE) and Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME).

Before Java appeared, we were convinced that C++ would replace C as the dominant application-development language and systems-programming language for the next decade. However, the combination of the World Wide Web and Java now increases the prominence of the Internet in information-systems planning and implementation. Organizations want to integrate the Internet “seamlessly” into their information systems. Java is more appropriate than C++ for this purpose—as evidenced by Sun Microsystems’ announcement in 2001 that over 96% of enterprise application servers support J2EE.


Advanced Graphical User Interface (GUI) Design.

We use advanced Java Swing features to create real-world Java components, including a Web-browser application with a multiple-document interface. We use the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture and its implementation in the Swing API. We use to create 2D graphics and 3D worlds. The Java 2D Drawing Application with Design Patterns. Presents a complex drawing program with which the user can create shapes in various colors and gradients.


Enterprise Java

Developers use Java for building “heavy-duty” enterprise applications. Explore the necessary components for implementing enterprise solutions—including security, database manipulation, servlets, Java Server Pages, distributed transactions, message- oriented middleware and application servers. Security, we use secure communications and secure programming. In Enterprise Java it integrates many technologies, such as Enterprise JavaBeans, servlets, RMI-IIOP, XML, XSLT, XHTML, (and for wireless application development) WML and cHTML. In this world of networks and wireless networks, business information must be delivered securely and reliably to the intended recipients.


Distributed Systems.

Enterprise applications are usually so complex that they run more efficiently when program components are distributed among different machines in organizations’ networks. Java introduces several technologies for building distributed systems—Remote Method Invocation (RMI), Jini, JavaSpaces, Java Management Extensions (JMX), Jiro and Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA). CORBA, controlled by the Object Management

Group (OMG), is a mature distributed computing technology for integrating distributed components written in many disparate languages. Java was originally intended for networks of programmable devices—Jini assumes that technology role now. JMX and Jiro are technologies specifically for network management (LANs, WANs, intranets, the Internet, extranets, etc.).


Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME) and Wireless Applications.

It is estimated that by 2003, more people worldwide will access the Internet through wireless devices than through desktop computers. The Java platform for wireless devices with limited capabilities such as cell phones and personal digital assistants is Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME). Wireless Java-Based Applications Development and J2ME, contains a case study that sends content from a centralized data store to several wireless clients, including a J2ME client.


Web Services.


Web services are applications that expose public interfaces usable by other applications over the Web. The area of Web services builds on existing protocols, such as HTTP, and communicate with XML-based messages. Directory services enable clients to perform lookups to discover available Web services. The Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) uses XML to provide communication in many Web services. Many of the technologies used to build Web services.


Employing Design Patterns.


Larger systems, such as automated teller machines or air-traffic control systems, can contain hundreds of thousands, or even millions, of lines of code. Effective design is crucial to the proper construction of such complex systems. Over the past decade, the software engineering industry has made significant progress in the field of design patterns—proven architectures for constructing flexible and maintainable object-oriented software. Using design patterns can substantially reduce the complexity of the design process.




 XML (Extensible Markup Language) use is exploding in the software-development industry and we use it pervasively throughout the text. As a platform independent syntax for creating markup languages, XML’s data portability integrates well with Java’s portable applications and services. XML basics and DTDs, which define standard XML document structures. Document Object Model (DOM) API for manipulating XML documents. XSLT (Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations—an XML vocabulary for transforming XML documents into other text-based documents.


Peer-to-Peer Applications.


Peer-to-peer (P2P) applications—such as instant messaging and document-sharing programs—have become extremely popular. Peer-to-Peer Applications and JXTA, introduces this architecture, in which each node performs both client and server duties. JXTA (short for the term “Juxtapose”), defines protocols for implementing peer-to-peer applications.


Students Like Java


Students are highly motivated by the fact that they are learning a leading-edge language (Java) and a leading-edge programming paradigm (object-oriented programming) for building entire systems. Java immediately gives them an advantage when they head into a world in which the Internet and the World Wide Web have a massive prominence and corporations need enterprise systems programmers. Students quickly discover that they can do great things with Java, so they are willing to put in the extra effort. Java helps programmers unleash their creativity.


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